The City on the Rise
Incorporated 1911
PHONE: (304) 296-6860 FAX: (304) 296-6582
Westover Code Enforcement

Jason Stinespring
Director of Public Works
Building Official

William Kennedy
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement is an integral part of a safe and prosperous community. Westover’s officer’s support and enhance quality of life by enforcing ordinances that support safe living and working conditions across our community.
Westover citizens have a right to a safe and secure place to live, to work and to raise families. When individuals or corporations violate these rights, action must be taken. This is why code Enforcement exists.
We promote and safeguard our community with the goal of ensuring a safe environment for the citizens to work and play. We take this responsibly seriously. Our community is important to us and we’re here to help.
To assist you, below is a series of packets to help navigate Westover code requirements. Each packet begins with a list of items required for meeting various codes followed by submittal forms.
Should you have questions or need support of any kind, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Remember, we’re here to help you.
The below packets will open in Dropbox file sharing application. Simply click a link and the packets will open for reading and download (in PDF) A free Adobe PDF reader is available by clicking here.
You may submit a complaint by completing the below form located here.
Questions can be emailed to tbaldwin@westoverwv.gov. Payment questions can be sent to wobilling@comcast.net

Tammy Lynn Baldwin
Code Enforcement