The City on the Rise
Incorporated 1911
PHONE: (304) 296-6860 FAX: (304) 296-6582
Stormwater for homeowners, landscapers,
and property managers
Stormwater systems were originally intended to route rainwater quickly off the streets during a heavy storm. Unfortunately, these systems can carry pollutants such as pesticides, bacteria and chemicals through city streets and straight to our waters. Stormwater pollution can include chemicals, fast food wrappers, cigarette butts, Styrofoam cups, sewage overflow, cooking oil, bacteria from pet waste, used motor oil, fertilizers, paint and construction debris.
Have you ever wondered what happens to the detergent that runs down the driveway when you wash your car? The used oil, as well as detergents, dirty water and soaps from washing your car, are carried through city drains and can impact our local raw water resources?
Anything dumped or dropped on the ground or in the gutter can end up in the nearest body of water. Stormwater pollution results from materials and chemicals washed into the storm drains from streets, gutters, neighborhoods, industrial sites, parking lots and construction sites. This type of pollution is significant because, unlike the water that goes down a sink or toilet in your home, stormwater is untreated and flows directly to a lake, river, or the ocean.
Used oil from a single oil change can pollute up to one million gallons of freshwater. Improper disposal of used oil, which includes oil leaking from cars, contributes significantly to stormwater pollution. The EPA estimates that American households improperly dump about 193 million gallons of used oil every year, or roughly the equivalent of 17 Exxon Valdez oil spills.
A significant amount of storm water pollution is caused by everyday human activities that are not regulated by the EPA – washing and maintaining cars, littering, watering lawns, etc. There are many simple, basic steps people can do each day to prevent storm water pollution:
Don't dump waste into storm drains.
Keep yard clippings out of the street.
Dispose of household chemicals properly by following the directions on the package or by calling the local public works department for proper disposal guidelines.
Clean up oil spills and fix leaking automobiles.
Use drip pans to catch engine oil and other pollutants while repairing cars.
Recycle used motor oil.
Sweep driveways clean instead of hosing them down.
Water your lawn by hand, or adjusted sprinklers to avoid over-watering. If any water flows off your lawn, you're using too much water.
Wash your car at a commercial car wash, or at least wash your car on an unpaved surface so the excess water can be absorbed by the ground.
Rain Barrel info including how to build your own. NOTE: Watch our Westover Facebook page for area rain barrel workshops!
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is a very serious issue impacting our community. Learn more about HHW here. Also, watch our Westover Facebook page for area announcements concerning our county HHW Collection Day!
EPA Stormwater Calculator to help you balance land developments and landscaping with the right amount of green infrastructure.
Have input on how we can improve this site or wish to contact our stormwater department? Use this form!